The Resource Planning Group
Achieving individual and organization performance excellence
Leadership Confidante

A leader's world moves fast. There are times when a leader is facing one or more difficult situations that must be managed. The individual and organizational need is for a limited intervention rather than a commitment to long-term behavioral change and development. Situational Coaching is a confidential "trusted advisor" service that offers an intense, cost-effective and time-limited solution.
Leaders often need a resource--outside the chain of command--to discuss real-time communication and tactical managerial issues.
Managers are offered Situational Coaching:
When they face increased responsibilities for individual and team performance.
To help to resolve problems with peers, subordinates or supervisors.
To understand how to communicate performance issues with members of their team so that the input is accepted as helpful and constructive.
When they know that "something isn't working" but are unable to identify what that something is -- and need guidance for alternative actions and behaviors that are would be effective.
If they are locked into a style that worked in the past but is no longer effective for a changing and diverse workforce.
The coaching is intense, brisk and focused on specific topics. Hourly sessions focus on tactical problem-solving and suggestions for communication and action--specific to those situations presented.
Coaching is primarily provided by telephone; the typical engagement is for 6-8 sessions of 1 hour each. For success, the manager/leader must be a quick study, be able to articulate the area of support that's required, and be motivated to accept coaching.
"Laser Coaching really is working for our leadership teams. Today's managers need a trusted advisor who is outside of the organization and provides solid, practical advice. We're on-board and have recommended this service to many colleagues."
SVP, HR, Not-for-Profit
Our Developmental Coaching program helps leaders achieve long-term positive behavioral change.
It is designed to:
Enhance executive presence and the ability to generate trust, confidence and leadership.
Develop better communication and team skills.
Foster comfort, poise, and savvy related to politics, power and authority.
Develop better ways to cope with conflict and stress.
Managers generally are offered individual coaching to:
Prepare for a higher position within the organization.
Focus on personal and leadership style that may be interfering with individual success, and by extension, with team and/or overall corporate success.
Assist in exploring needs and goals and construct individual development plans.
Understand new vision, mission, and expected behaviors of a changing organization.
The program is tailored to the personal style and leadership needs of the executive and will generally follow a 3-step process.
Interview relevant supervisors/managers/and/or human resource personnel familiar with the manager.
Establish understanding of behavioral changes needed.
Gain agreement from manager, supervisor and human resource personnel on expectations and outcomes.
Getting good results from coaching requires a 4 to 6 month commitment by both the executive and the organization.
Sessions cover:
Identifying crucial personal and professional skills and styles required for success in the organization.
Evaluating and discussing the individual's management and interpersonal style based upon subjective and objective data.
Establishing goals and working agreements to assist the manager in moving towards a new/improved leadership style.
Supporting and reinforcing required changes in personal and leadership style.
The MBTI, Hersey-Blanchard Leadership instrument and other tools will be used as required. If a 360 degree assessment is requested by both the organization and the individual manager, it will be included as part of the coaching. The results of the leadership instruments as well as the feedback from the 360 are confidential and will only be disclosed to the individual coaching client.
Between meetings, we speak with the coaching client via phone or correspond with e-mail to provide timely advice and support for daily concerns and problems. Our goal is to provide consistent assessment, planning, skill building, counsel and support to develop executive competencies and to ensure long-term positive behavioral change.

"I want to thank you, Jayne, for taking me on, believing in me and giving me the tools to be a better leader, coach and mentor to my team. I continue to call on all that I’ve learned everyday because in the end, it is knowing that I will be making a difference in the lives of others that will drive business results."
VP Marketing